Handwritten generation

Correct Prediction for the 2018 World Cup!

yarlp (yet another reinforcement learning package)

Implementations of A2C, DDQN, PG, CEM.

BeamRider Breakout Pong
QBert Seaquest SpaceInvaders

joint image-text embeddings using Canonical Correlations Analysis

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning by Sutton & Barto, Solutions to 1st Edition

Solutions to the 1st edition. Race car problem:

Sinkhorn Knopp

Convert non-negative square matrices with total support into doubly stochastic matrices.

>> import numpy as np
>> from sinkhorn_knopp import sinkhorn_knopp as skp
>> sk = skp.SinkhornKnopp()
>> P = [[.011, .15], [1.71, .1]]
>> P_ds = sk.fit(P)
>> print P_ds
    [[ 0.06102561  0.93897439]
    [ 0.93809928  0.06190072]]
>> print np.sum(P_ds, axis=0)
    [ 0.99912489  1.00087511]
>> print np.sum(P_ds, axis=1)
    [ 1.,  1.]

Climate Change Chatbot

Kimchi Ventures

kimchi making experiences in NYC


