ML Design example questions and Anki cards I made in 2019 for core ML concepts.

Example Questions

  • Design an ad click prediction system.
  • Design a homefeed/newsfeed ranking system.
  • Design a translation service.
  • Design and evaluate a classification and recommender system for music.

Read technical blog posts to get an idea of how to answer these questions.

ML Concepts

In no particular order:

  • Explain the IID assumption (Independent and Identically Distributed).
  • How are splits made in decision trees?
  • How can probabilistic matrix factorization be implemented for collaborative filtering in code?
  • How can you make splits in a decision tree for regression?
  • How is batch normalization applied during test time?
  • How is the result of matrix factorization for collaborative filtering used for recommending items to users?
  • How many hidden layers in a deep neural network are needed to make it a universal approximator? How many layers in total?
  • If a 2 layer neural network is a universal approximator, why do we use deep neural nets?
  • If P(x) is the probability of seeing x, what is its entropy H? Show me the equation.
  • In a binary classifier, what is precision?
  • In an MLP (multi-layer perceptron), how does the variance of the output of a neuron, scale with the number of inputs N?
  • In binary classication, what is recall?
  • In Deep Learning, what are regularization methods commonly used to prevent overfitting?
  • In deep learning, why was layer normalization proposed over batch normalization, and what does it do?
  • In linear regression, we have (y = Xw + \epsilon ) where (\epsilon) is our error in our predictions. What is the formula for w if we want to minimize sum of square residuals?
  • How do you deal with imbalanced classes?
  • How do you deal with missing values?
  • How do you generally prevent overfitting (for either neural nets or classic ML models)?
  • How do you know if your model is underfit?
  • How do you know that you are overfitting a model?
  • How do you prevent underfitting?
  • What are some metrics used for ranking problems?
  • What is AUC of the ROC and what is it used for? What are some values of AUC of ROC?
  • What is bagging?
  • What is boosting?
  • What is discounted cumulative gain?
  • What is generalization?
  • What is precision, recall and F1?
  • What is regularization?
  • What is the bias-variance tradeoff?
  • What is Bias and Variance?
  • What is the curse of dimensionality?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, explain why SARSA (on-policy) is “safer” than Q-learning (off-policy)? Take the grid-world with a cliff as an example.
  • In Reinforcement Learning, is the vanilla policy gradient on-policy or off-policy?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what are actor-critic methods?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what are on-policy and off-policy methods?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what does it mean for an agent when an environment is fully observed?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what does it mean for an agent when the environment is partially observed?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what is an advantage function?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what is model-free vs model-based RL?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, what is the key idea behind Double Deep Q-Learning (van Hasselt et al, 2015) that makes DDQN not overestimate Q-values in Deep Q-learning (Mnih et al, 2015)?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, when doing Q-learning with function approximation, what are two classic tricks to get Q-learning to converge?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, why are on-policy methods not sample efficient?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, why does vanilla policy gradient perform better when updating the gradient using an advantage function as opposed to the raw rewards?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, why is Q-learning an off-policy method?
  • In Reinforcement Learning, why is SARSA an on-policy method?
  • In Statistics, how does power relate to the Type-2 Error?
  • What is power in statistics?
  • In Statistics, what is a p-value in a Hypothesis test?
  • In Statistics, what is bootstrap sampling?
  • In Statistics, what is the Type-1 Error in a hypothesis test?
  • In Statistics, what is the Type-2 Error in a Hypothesis test?
  • In Statistics, what is the variance around the sample mean?
  • In the library, what does fit-one-cycle do?
  • What are 3 common data preprocessing steps that are done for deep learning?
  • What are 5 commonly used activation functions in neural networks and their pros/cons?
  • What are a common hyperparameters to tune when training neural networks, besides the network itself?
  • What are a few different algorithms for updating parameters in SGD besides vanilla SGD?
  • What are assumptions and pitfalls of Principal Components Analysis?
  • What are discriminative learning rates?
  • What are evaluation metrics used for regression?
  • What are Factorization Machines and how do they work?
  • What are some common ConvNet architecture patterns in terms of Conv, Relu, Pool, Fully-Connected (FC)?
  • What are some common ConvNet architectures that were trained on ImageNet? Give estimates of their top-5 error rates on ImageNet.
  • What are some multi-class metrics to evaluate multi-class models?
  • What are some multi-label metrics to evaluate multi-label models?
  • What are some weight initialization methods for an MLP (multi-layer perceptron)?
  • What are the pros/cons of minibatch stochastic gradient descent compared to gradient descent?
  • What does it mean for a problem to be multi-class?
  • What does it mean for a problem to be multi-label?
  • What is a convolutional neural network?
  • What is a false negative?
  • What is a false positive?
  • What is a true negative?
  • What is a true positive?
  • What is an embedding layer in deep learning?
  • What is an estimator in statistics?
  • What is an unbiased estimator, in statistics?
  • What is Batch Normalization and what is it good for?
  • What is bias of an estimator in statistics?
  • What is catastrophic forgetting in deep learning?
  • What is collaborative filtering?
  • What is extrapolation error in reinforcement learning?
  • What is Gini impurity and how is it used to make splits in decision trees?
  • What is imitation learning?
  • What is information gain and how is it used to make splits in a decision tree?
  • What is inverse reinforcement learning?
  • What is logistic regression?
  • What is the meaning of entropy?
  • What is Occam’s razor?
  • What is Principal Components Analysis?
  • What is Simpson’s Paradox?
  • What is the Bayesian Personalized Ranking loss and for what task is it used?
  • What is the binary hinge loss? Write it down.
  • What is the central idea behind Trust-Region-Policy-Optimization (TRPO) and Proximal-Policy-Optimization (PPO) that Schulman came up with in 2015 & 2016?
  • What is the chain rule in probability theory? Let’s say we have a joint distribution (P(A_n, …, A_1)), how can it be broken down with the chain rule?
  • What is the cross-entropy loss?
  • What is the difference between AUC of the Precision-Recall (PR) curve vs AUC of the ROC curve? Which is better?
  • What is the formula for cosine-similarity?
  • What is the Hamming Loss? What is its range?
  • What is the markov property in probability theory? Can you write it down?
  • What is the naive baye’s model? What is naive about it?
  • What is the No Free Lunch Theorem?
  • What is the preferrable way to control overfitting in neural networks and why?
  • What is the softmax function?
  • What is the top-5 human error rate on ImageNet?
  • What kind of layers are used in convolutional neural networks?
  • When we say true positive or false positive or false negative, what does positive/negative mean and what does true/false mean?
  • Which activation function should I use in a neural network?
  • Why does L1 regularization induce sparsity?
  • Write down the normal distribution.
  • Write down the Pearson sample correlation coefficient. What is it’s range?
  • Describe how a convolutional layer works for an input of size WxHxC.
  • Describe the K-Means clustering algorithm.
  • Describe what the pooling layer does in a ConvNet.